Tuesday 19 April 2011


Last week I was performing a network assessment; when I was trying to identify the DNS names behind a few IPs I wrote this little script to retrieve domain names thorugh the CommonName of a SSL certificate:

Usage: certlookup.py [--help] [--verbose] -h <ip> [-i=$in] [-p <port>] [--mtree=$out]

    $ python certlookup.py -h
    www.verisign.com (

    $ echo -e "\t443" > /tmp/a
    $ python certlookup.py -i /tmp/a
    www.verisign.com (

MagicTree integration:
    certlookup.py -i=$i --mtree=$out

    The input file must be a list of: ip<TAB>port

May be it is useful for someone else! You can download it from: http://code.google.com/p/pysqlin/downloads/list

It should be noted that this functionality can be found in complete framework discovery tools like hostmap or Yeti.

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